About Us

"We wish to bring you products which are made with this aspect in mind: to value the labour and toil of every man, preserving each distinct area’s traditions and regional resources, and bringing it all together in a natural way..."

Tribal Trading is a company run by people who value the ancient life that most modern cultures have lost with the development of modern-day conveniences. People have forgotten what it means to live a ‘tribal life’, cultivating the land, in harmony with nature and with their fellow human being. Years ago, man was bound to live off what his own hands provided, and the extra he would trade for what used to be called a ‘convenience’. Today most people don’t realize how much labour is invested to make products travel around the planet and be in their homes a few days later… It is true that we live in an unsurpassed time in history, it is not something to take for granted…

We also give you the assurance that you are receiving a product free from unfair wages and exploitation of cheap labour . All of our business is done by trade that is more than fair. We deal only with suppliers who treat their workers fairly, which is much more important than the price of the product. Therefore, our customers can be sure of the environmentally friendly agriculture and processing, and fair dealings. Tribal trading and fair trade in its essence TRIBE TO TRIBE…

We Grow, Process, Create and Import a Wide Range of
Organic Products

Please get in touch if you are interested in
bulk-purchasing or distributing organics.

Tribal Trading Asia

Tribal Trading Company Branch in Kyoto, Japan, commenced its operations in 2019.

Our Office and Showroom:
14-11 Uzumasa Tayabucho, Ukyoku, Kyoto, Japan 616-8167 + (81) 075-881-6886
〒616-8167 京都府京都市右京区太秦多藪町 14-11

We bring Organic Australian Honey, Brazilian Yerba Mate Tea, Mascavo Organic Brown Sugar and other specialty organics to the Japanese market.

We are looking for Distributors and Wholesalers in

Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Please contact us if you are interested.